Volition Properties

Investing in Toronto Preconstruction Condos 101

Investing in Toronto Preconstruction Condos 101. What should I invest in? Houses vs. Resale Condos vs. Preconstruction Condos. Preconstruction condos have their place in real estate investing.  If you’ve worked with the Volition team, or if you’ve attended our meetups, you’ll know that we preach that freehold (i.e. land) is generally the best investment.  But…Read More→

Capital Gains for Investment Properties

Capital Gains Simply put, capital gains occur when a property is sold for more than what it was purchased for.  A property that was purchased for $1M and sold for $1.2M will have $200k capital gains.  Only 50% of the capital gains is subject to tax, meaning only $100k is taxable.  This amount will be…Read More→

Why Invest In Toronto?

Toronto skyline

Why Invest In Toronto? We get this question all the time! With prices high and competition fierce, why do investors still pour money in to the Toronto market? It doesn’t take skill to buy a property – if you’ve got the money, you can make a purchase; but what separates your average person from a…Read More→