Volition Properties

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Own A House In Toronto For The Same $$$ And Monthly Carry Cost As A Condo

Date: February 1, 2023

Seems like a fantasy, right?

Every newspaper headline you read these days is talking about how Toronto is so unaffordable for the average Torontonian, and how the next generation of Millennials and Gen-Z’s are priced out of the housing market. Far too often, we hear that aspiring homeowners feel that they can’t afford to buy a home in Toronto, or North York, or Richmond Hill, or Markham, or Sauga, or wherever they wish they could live. The odds are simply stacked against them – even if they have enough for a downpayment, they can’t afford the monthly carrying costs! Instead, they move out to Hamilton, Windsor, St. Catherines, purely because of affordability.

Volition is blazing a trail forward, creating solutions for the unaffordability issue, and to show you how owning and living in a house in Toronto can be reality, not a fantasy! Definitely, GTA is more expensive than outside GTA – there is no question – and yes, not everyone can realistically afford a home in the GTA. That said, we will offer a different perspective on how to “afford” a home in the GTA, and offer practical solutions and strategies on how to “make GTA work”.

In fact, we touch on some of this in the article that HGTV.ca wrote about Volition entitled: “Expert Tips That Will Help You Become a Homeowner Before 40“. But in this Meetup, we are going to go much much deeper into actionable strategies & tactics that you can employ… and more importantly, HOW to do it.

Sure, it’s not easy. Sure, it might take a bit more work. Sure, it still won’t mean that you’ll live in your “dream home” right off the bat. But for those who are resourceful, purposeful, and willing to do what it takes, Volition’s Advisory & Realty services may be able to help turn that dream of home ownership in the GTA into reality.

And yes… all of our Investor Realtor expertise and insights are relevant here. Tenant profiles, rents, renovations, real estate development, gentrification, transit, infrastructure improvements, etc. Bringing an investor mindset allows you to think differently about your Primary Residence, and gives you the ability to turn your biggest liability (yes, your Primary Residence is a liability… it’s actually a luxury!) into your biggest asset. And in thinking about it in these terms, it could help you actually “afford” you buying and living in the GTA.

We’ll also be showing you examples of the types of houses you would be able to buy and execute on this strategy.

Most importantly, we’re going to describe the conditions under which this works. But you might need to light a fire under your butt and take massive action NOW… this is a small window of opportunity, and it could slam shut at any moment.

We are venturing out to change mindsets: if you ever dreamed of owning a house in Toronto, but didn’t know how to afford it, THIS MEETUP is your starting point.

Here’s what we covered:

  • Boosting mortgage qualification
  • Reducing carrying costs
  • Strategic Financing
  • Case Studies
  • Where this works
  • Why this works
  • What is required
  • Who this is for
  • How Volition’s models have LOWER cash requirements, LOWER mortgage qualification requirements, and HIGHER Equity Growth & ROI
  • How Volition Advisory & Realty can help
  • (Sneak preview keyword: “Primary Residence Plus”!)
  • BONUS: We will be also showing an investment business model for INVESTORS looking for profitable, risk mitigated real estate investment solutions that make sense in today’s high interest rate environment!


Access the FULL recording and slides below.