Volition Properties

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Laneway Suites are taking over the Toronto RE Market!

With special guest speaker Tony Cunha from Lanescape

Date: Wednesday, October 20
Time: 6:30 – 9:00 pm
Place: Zoom

HGTV said THIS housing trend was taking over the Toronto real estate market right now – or was it us??

Laneway suites have revolutionized cities like Vancouver and now they’re making waves in Toronto. The ability to build a laneway suite on a residential lot offers tremendous flexibility including rentals, work from home/flex spaces, and intergenerational living. It is an incredible opportunity for Volition investors to solve the problem of limited cashflow in Toronto due to the city’s expensive housing prices.

Volition is thrilled to welcome Lanescape, the leading authorities on laneway suite design and development in Toronto. Tony Cunha from Lanescape will be sharing with you:

– Typical use cases
– Garden suites update
– What to look for in an ideal lot
– Case study on the intake and design process
– Challenges and opportunities
– How to work with Lanescape and your next steps to get started

Savy Volition investors are already starting to take advantage of laneway opportunities. Learn how to invest strategically and plan for this massive change to the Toronto housing landscape (or should we say Lanescape…)!

About Tony Cunha

Drawing from over ten years experience in architectural design and construction, Tony imparts his diverse skill-set on all facets of Lanescape, overseeing daily operations. Tony’s passion for laneway development began with his award-winning research on high-performance affordable housing as a graduate student at Ryerson University. His professional experience centers on the design and construction of unique residential solutions with a passion for navigating the challenges and opportunities of creative urban infill development.

Can’t wait for the Meetup? Check out “10 Things You Should Know About Building Your Own Laneway Suite“.

Access Volition slides and presentation below.