Volition Properties

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This is a new format, so we are going thru the learning stages of how to best make this work this work. The mandate for this is just that I kept hearing that Volition clients and Meetup attendees just wanted more opportunities to grow, to network, to learn from each other, to get their questions answered, and to share experiences both good & bad. So… it’s really informal right now. For now, I’m just going to run this as an AMA – Ask Me Anything. You can ask your questions, and either I can try to answer them or I can call upon others on the Webchat to share their experiences. Cool? No holds barred! Every question is fair game!

You can access the web chat video here 

Volition is starting a FREE Monthly Online “REI Coffeehouse” Web Chat! Based on feedback from our clients and investors, you want MORE! More networking, more Q&A time, more learning, more community, more like-minded people, more engagement… And that a Meetup once a month wasn’t enough! Volition’s mandate has always been to remove obstacles and roadblocks… and now the REI Coffeehouse will solve this problem!

Why did we call this a “Coffeehouse Chat”? Because the format is simple. No format. No presentation. No script. Just an informal 1hr online web conference chat that you can log into from your computer… not too much different than if you were meeting a friend for a coffee at a nearby coffee shop. Just real people with real problems, and maybe the occasional guest speaker. Send in your questions beforehand, and then we’ll chat about them and answer your questions with everyone else on the line… others may even jump in with their own input or experiences. Even if you don’t have a specific question, join the web chat anyway because you can join from your computer!! (and it’s FREE!!)

The REI Coffeehouse will be using Zoom.us, so have your laptop’s webcam and microphone on to join the web chat. And we’ll be screen recording it and posting each REI Coffeehouse Chat on our website, along with our Monthly Meetup content.

We will be scheduling our REI Coffeehouse Chats thru Meetup.com (www.meetup.com/Volition), so make sure you go there and sign up to get notified of the next one!

What do you think? Will you be logging on and joining us to talk about all-things-real-estate??

(1. Also, if you have any suggestions on the format, content, etc., let me know by posting it below!)
(2. If you have a suggestion on the SPECIFIC TIME other than the planned 12pm-1pm, also let us know by posting it below!)